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Working Together to Secure Success

Helen Lane

Helen has recently retired following ten years working for the North East, Yorkshire and Humber Region of Ofsted, most recently as Senior His Majesty’s Inspector and Assistant Regional Director. In these roles, Helen has extensive senior leadership experience at a local and national level in Ofsted, including inspection and monitoring of primary and secondary schools and inspection of initial teacher training providers. Her leadership experience spans all of Ofsted’s remits, schools, early years, further education and skills and social care.

Prior to that she undertook a range of school senior leadership roles, including as a headteacher.  Helen was asked by Leeds local authority at short notice to take over the headship of an inadequate inner-city secondary school. She led the school, successfully overcoming numerous challenges, to the most improved GCSE results in the local authority and the removal of the inadequate category.  Helen has worked as a school improvement advisor and as a primary and secondary science teacher advisor. In both these roles she oversaw improvements at both school and subject level.