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Working Together to Secure Success

SEND Twilight is a great collaboration.

On 14th March we held our latest CLT trust twilight ‘Reflecting through a SEND lens’ . The event was a huge success.  Staff across all CLT schools shared positive feedback about the impact this important training would have in their classrooms. 

The session explored what it was like to be a SEND pupil and the impact of educational approaches and expectations. Angela Smith (Strategic Director of SEND Improvement for the CLT and founder of YCPD- Strategic SEND Leadership) led the training.  

Angela was joined by a guest speaker who had lived experience of education as a SEND pupil. Together they facilitated thoughtful discussion and staff left with practical next steps which they could use the next day in their classrooms. 

Staff said:
"Very inspiring training"
"Angela’s passion shines through."
"I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed this session. The guest speaker was fabulous. She gave a great insight into SEND. I hope she feels very proud of herself for the talk that she gave us. What a wonderful, expressive and talented lady."