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Equality and Diversity Charter

In June 2024, after a year-long process which began with our student leaders from the Trust coming together and collaborating, we launched our Trust Equality and Diversity Charter. This is a living document, which everyone in our Trust works together to embed in our daily practice.

We want all schools in the Collaborative Learning Trust to be harmonious, inclusive places where every individual can thrive and reach their full potential because differences are celebrated, inequality is eradicated, and discrimination is systematically addressed.

Our Equality & Diversity Charter is underpinned by the values of our Trust – the things that are important to us:

  • Education for the common good of the whole community
  • Education for dignity and respect
  • Education for wisdom, knowledge and skills
  • Education for hope and aspiration


Our Equality & Diversity Charter sets out our ambition to provide, regardless of individual characteristics or background:

  • the best possible educational provision for all our learners, enabling them to achieve the best possible outcomes.
  • a fully inclusive, supportive work environment for all members of staff.

We undertake to achieve this through actions which fall under six key areas:

The full Charter can be downloaded below. You can read the news story about the launch, watch video from the event and hear an interview with our CEO Janet Sheriff here.