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Governance and Compliance

CLT Governance Service is led by the Governance and Compliance Officer, who works collaboratively and supports effective governance at all levels, to ensure all schools receive maximum benefit from being part of the Collaborative Learning Trust. The service includes:

  • Advice and guidance for schools joining the Trust, with advice for Governing Boards on the aspects of the conversion process linked to governance.
  • Advice and guidance for the effective governance at Trust Board and Local Governing Committee level, ensuring compliance with Ofsted, DfE, SIAMS and ESFA guidelines
  • Facilitation, advice, and guidance to aid Chairs of Local Governing Committee to deliver effective Headteacher Performance Management – including guidance on educational matters from the CEO and/or the Trust’s School Improvement Director
  • Monitoring, advice and guidance for Trust and schools’ websites - compliance.
  • Advice and guidance on the respective roles of Members, Trustees and Local Governing Committee members as required.
  • Procedures and documentation to ensure a comprehensive induction process for new Members, Trustees and Local Governors
  • Co-ordination and monitoring governance training and development across the Trust
  • Co-ordination of governance monitoring and evaluation systems across the Trust.